Open Q&A with Scott Kelby and Erik Kuna | The Grid Ep 599

April 10, 2024

This episode of The Grid combines an insightful recap of an eclipse photography adventure with an Open Q&A session. Hosts Scott Kelby and Erik Kuna field viewer questions about topics including shooting airshows, photographing birds in motion, and pricing your photography. Plus, a tutorial showcasing an under-appreciated Photoshop feature, Lightroom tips, giveaways, and much more!





▶  “ You want to shoot the bird in flight. You can set that so your camera will never let you go below that shutter speed. So everything is sharp, no matter if the clouds come, it gets darker, lighter, goes into a shadow, comes into a highlight. It’s going to make all those adjustments. So now, all we have to do is focus on framing and composition. You’re not focused on changing exposures; you’re not focused on anything else; you’re just letting the camera do the work.”

▶  “The market dictates the price of everything. If you price something too high, no one’s going to buy your product. If you price it too low, a lot of people may buy it, and then you can raise your price if there’s great demand. And you will find that sweet spot at which people will still buy it, and you’re still gaining sales.”


This Week’s Sponsors:

Imagen | Boris FX | Canon | B&H | Platypod | KelbyOne | Profoto | Litra | SlickPic | V-Flat Grid | Retouch4me