Professional Scanning Secrets
with Taz Tally
Scanning techniques and Tips for high quality scans
Practical Photoshop Elements
with Lesa Snider
In this class, Lesa leads you on a journey through the most practical and non-destructive editing techniques in Photoshop Elements. Learn the truth about resolution, how to resize images without quality loss, discover the basics of layers and layer masks, how to create gorgeous grayscales, delicious duotones, festive frames, how to zap backgrounds, fix stubborn […]
The Basics of Capture NX
with Vincent Versace
Vincent takes a look under the hood of Capture NX. In each lesson, he takes you through how he created, or recreated in Capture NX, each image. This course is designed to get you up to speed with an understanding of both why and how to use the most powerful RAW processor on the market […]