The HDR Book, second edition by Rafael “RC” Concepcion

Dear Reader:

Welcome to the image download and video page, where you can download my RAW files for the HDR images we create in the book, the bonus RAW files for the “It’s Your Turn” images, and the presets for each image for Photomatix Pro. You can also watch the videos here that I promised in the book. Just a quick reminder: These downloadable photos made available to you here, are licensed for your personal use only in practicing the techniques shown in the book. They are not licensed for use in any other manner, including commercial projects. If you are going to post your version of any of them, please make sure you attribute the photos to me, and mention that they are from this book. Thanks for honoring my copyrights.

The videos are embedded using Adobe Flash Player, so if you don’t have it, you’ll need to download it (it’s free) from Adobe’s website at (look under Download on the right).

If you want to load the presets for each chapter, first open the bracketed images Photomatix Pro. In the Presets pop-up menu at the bottom of the Adjustments panel, choose Load Settings. Then, in the Loading Preset from XMP File (PC: Open) dialog, navigate to the preset (the file extension will be .xmp), select it, and click Load (PC: Open). To add the preset to your pop-up menu and the My Presets tab of the Preset Thumbnails panel, choose Save Preset from the menu, and in the Saving Current Settings as Preset (PC: Save As) dialog, name it, then click Save.

Well, that’s pretty much it. I hope you enjoy following along with these downloads. Thanks so much for buying the book, and giving me the opportunity to show you how to process your photos for HDR.


Warning: Each download contains several RAW image files (all the files for a single HDR image), so they may take a while to download.

Chapter 3: Creating a Tone-Mapped File

Chapter 4: Project: Alabama Hills

Chapter 4: It’s Your Turn

Chapter 5: Project: The Pit

Chapter 6: Project: Portland Head Light

Chapter 7: Project: Hilton Milwaukee City Center

Chapter 8: Project: Utah House

Chapter 9: Project: Kena Part 2

Chapter 10: Project: Jade Mountain, part 1

Chapter 10: Project: Jade Mountain, part 2

Chapter 10: It’s Your Turn

Chapter 11: Oil Paint in Vegas

Chapter 12: Alternative Approaches in HDR

Video: How to Use Photoshop’s HDR Pro for Tone Mapping (Intro)

Video: How to Use HDR Efex Pro for Tone Mapping (Intro)

Video: Shooting for the Basement (Chapter 1)