The Photoshop Elements 12 Book for Digital Photographers

Dear Reader:

Welcome to the photo download page, where you can download some of the same photos we used in the book to follow right along with the techniques.

Before we get to what to do with these photos, we want to give credit (read as: big love) to the wonderful people at iStock and Fotolia. They were kind enough to let us use their amazing stock imagery in the book, but what you’re seeing here is just a tiny speck of the thousands of amazing stock photos they offer. So, please drop by their websites and see for yourself why iStock and Fotolia are making such an impact on the stock photography market.

There are also some shots here that aren’t from iStock or Fotolia, like the photos taken by us, our friends, etc., and those are downloadable, too. Of course, the whole idea behind this book is that you use these techniques on your own photos, but until you do, you can practice on these. Some images are not available for download due to permissions issues. Also, Chapters 1 and 12 are about using the Elements Organizer and printing, so it doesn’t matter one little bit which photos you use. You don’t need to download any photos-just use any that you have handy. Though, you can download the image used in Scott’s workflow in Chapter 12.

Well, that’s pretty much it. We hope you enjoy following along with these images, and thanks so much for buying the book, and giving us the opportunity to show you some of the really cool things about Photoshop Elements 12.

Just a quick reminder: These downloadable photos, from us, iStock, Fotolia, and the other photographers who have made their photos available to you here, are licensed for your personal use only in practicing the techniques shown in the book. They are not licensed for use in any other manner, including commercial projects, websites, or any other use. Thanks for honoring our copyrights.

Chapter 2 – Raw Justice: Processing Your Images Using Camera Raw

Chapter 3 – Scream of the Crop: How to Resize and Crop Photos

Chapter 4 – edit: Using Quick, Guided, and Expert Editing

Chapter 5 – Layer Cake: Working with Layers

Chapter 6 – Little Problems: Fixing Common Problems

Chapter 7 – Select Start: Selection Techniques

Chapter 8 – Retouch Me: Retouching Portraits

Chapter 9 – Clone Wars: Removing Unwanted Objects

Chapter 10 – Side Effects: Special Effects for Photographers

Chapter 11 – Sharpen Your Teeth: Sharpening Techniques

Chapter 12 – Fine Print: Printing, Color Management, and My Elements 121 Workflow

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